As each turned 80, Charles, then Barbara became more frail, so they decided to move closer to Ewell Village. Holman Court was the natural – and in Barbara’s mind the only – choice. She loved the 1930s architecture and the spacious gardens, and soon began tending the flowerbeds on their side of the property (although her desire for a ‘cottage-style’ garden may have been at odds with the more manicured surroundings!)
It was at this point that they began attending St Mary’s. Charles and Barbara developed huge respect – and fondness – for Russell, Sue, Patrick and the rest of the team, and made some good friends in the congregation, especially David Slattery, Sybil and Norman Hale.
When Charles died in January 2014 Barbara lost her ‘good companion’. She greatly missed the stimulation and sense of purpose his many projects gave. She continued to attend St Mary’s and EEHAS meetings whenever possible, although severe deafness and arthritis began to take their toll.
Despite her increasing frailty, Barbara was determined to stay independent, hunkering down in Holman Court with a good book and the news for company, along with frequent visits from Richard and his wife Cathy, Meg and husband Simon.
She died in Epsom Hospital on 31st December 2020 after a short illness.